Thursday 15 January 2009

Secret Meeting with Pro-Israeli MP.

Text-pest Pro-Israeli MP Ivan Lewis has been holding secret meetings with Simon Danczuk - Labour's Parliamentary Candidate for Rochdale. Playing both sides is a popular characteristic of Danczuk and we are shocked that he has been meeting with this MP. Only last week he was speaking up for the Israelis at a rally in Manchester. We cannot confirm whether he met up with Simon afterwards.... probably knowing their close working relationship!

Hell hath no fury!

Interesting to see Simon Danczuk's ex-wife blogging about him. Reviving a dormant post on Rochdale Online about her ex-partner. Fact remains that has been some pretty appalling accusations made against Danczuk and it's a not surprising that one of Sonia's friends on Facebook describe him as a "...Philandering Bastard" amongst other things.

SoniaMilewski Beginner United Kingdom 10 Posts
Posted - 15/01/2009 : 10:37:05
Maybe then you can take Steven, Tom Stott and Stongbow with you into the Liberal Party.
As far as our candidate is concerned, despite what Tom Stott says, we had a proper investigation into the lies thrown at him, it is nothing to do with anyone else!
Such loyalty and honorablness!!!!!
But be careful not to speak on here with such vindication and candor/forthrightness, unless are really sure its FACT! Otherwise you could end up looking and feeling rather silly indeed.
Afterall, this is a public forum that the whole world can see.
Edited by - SoniaMilewski on 15/01/2009 10:53:49

Meanwhile, Danczuk's desperation to win the Muslim vote gathers pace. What he fails to tell the people of Rochdale is that one minute he is condemning the intolerable situation in Gaza and the next he is having private meetings with Cabinet Minister and pro-Israeli MP Ivan Lewis. More faces than the Town Hall Clock?

Who's been beaten?

Interesting article from the Rochdale Observer regarding the affairs of Simon Danczuk. Very colourful character and the questions remain about how appropriate this bloke is. Here's the link to Labour's damage limitation exercise:

His new missus (not Debbie Abrahams) is actually the SISTER of the person that Danczuk terms a 'bully'. I cannot begin to think why they wanted this article to go up but NO SMOKE, NO FIRE springs to mind!